Dosežki študijskega programa Senzorske tehnologije

Achievements of the Sensory Technologies study program

Katarina Bačnik

Uporaba visokozmogljivega sekvenciranja za zaznavanje virusnih zaporedij v kompleksnih vzorcih iz okolja in industrije

The use of high-throughput sequencing for detection of viral sequences in complex samples from environment and industry

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Maja Ravnikar, Denis Kutnjak

V odličnem članku, objavljenem v reviji Water research (I.F.: 12.8, A”), je Katarina Bačnik določila in potrdila prisotnost infektivnih rastlinskih virusov v odpadnih vodah z uporabo učinkovite koncentracije virusa, visoko zmogljivega sekvenciranja (HTS), elektronske miskroskopije in testnih rastlin. HTS ji je omogočil vpogled v raznolikost virusov v odpadnih vodah. Poleg rastlinskih virusov, o katerih v Sloveniji še nikoli niso poročali, je odkrila tudi bakteriofage in človeške patogene viruse. Prvič je potrdila infektivnost rastlinskih virusov iz rodu tobamovirusa tako v vtoku kot iztoku odpadnih vod iz čistilne naprave. Odkriti virusi povzročajo velike izgube, zlasti pri gojenju paradižnika in paprik. Rezultati pozivajo k previdni rabi reciklirane vode v kmetijstvu in potrjujejo potencial odpadne vode kot epidemiološko orodje. Objavljeni članek je bil izbran kot eden najboljših dosežkov slovenske znanosti v letu 2020 v okviru pobude Odlični v znanosti (Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije). Metodologija je bila uporabljena za monitoring SARS-CoV-2 v odpadnih vodah, ki ga je razvil NIB leta 2021.

In one of her PhD’s achievements, published in Water research (I.F.: 12.8), Katarina Bačnik determined and confirmed the presence of infective plant viruses in wastewater influents and effluents using efficient virus concentration, high-throughput sequencing (HTS), electron miceoscopy and test plants. HTS enabled her to get an insight into diversity of viruses in wastewater. Apart from plant viruses, many were never reported before in Slovenia, she also detected many bacteriophages and human pathogenic viruses. She confirmed for the first time the infectivity of plant viruses from the genus tobamovirus in both wastewater influent and effluent. These viruses cause great losses especially in tomato and pepper production. These results call for cautious use of reclaimed water in agriculture and confirms the potential of wastewater as epidemiological tool. Published paper was selected as one of the best achievements for Slovenian science in year 2020 in the frame of the initiative Excellent in Science (Slovenian Research Agency). The methodology was used for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring in wastewater developed by the NIB in 2021.

Shematska predstavitev metod za analizo vodnih viromov in potrjevanje infektivnosti virusov v odpadni vodi.
Schematic representation of methods used for analysis of water virome and infectivity of viruses in waste water.


Oana-Andreea Condurache

Presevna elektronska mikroskopija domenskih sten na atomski ravni in njihov in situ dinamični odziv na električno polje v feroelektrikih brez svinca

Atomically resolved transmission electron microscopy and in-situ voltage-driven dynamic response of domain walls in lead-free ferroelectrics

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Andreja Benčan Golob, Goran Dražić

Oana-Andreea Condurache je skupaj s sodelavci iz Odseka za elektronsko keramiko Instituta “Jožef Stefan” , z raziskovalci Kemijskega inštituta, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, v NanoLetters objavila študijo z naslovom Atomic-level response of the domain walls in bismuth ferrite in a sub-coercive-field regime. V članku so raziskovalci z uporabo in situ vrstične presevne elektronske mikroskopije preučevali dinamiko domenskih sten in defektov v bizmutovem feritu pod električnim poljem. Dinamika domenskih sten v prisotnosti defektov razkriva edinstvene in kompleksne pojave na atomski ravni; v članku avtorji poročajo o segregaciji defektov, o spremembah lokalnih napetostih in prerazporeditvi naboja na domenskih stenah pri spremembi električnega polja. Rezultati študije prispevajo k vpogledu v dinamične, atomistične procese na domenskih stenah v feroelektričnih materialih.

Oana Condurache, together with researchers from the Electronic Ceramics Department of the Jozef Stefan Institute, from the National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, and Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, have published an article in NanoLetters entitled Atomic-level response of the domain walls in bismuth ferrite in a sub-coercive-field regime. The article presents an in situ scanning transmission electron microscopy study in which the response of domain walls in a ferroelectric bismuth ferrite single crystal in a capacitor-like configuration was directly observed. The dynamics of domain walls, in the presence of defects, reveals unique and complex phenomena at the atomic level; the authors report defect segregation, changes in strain and the bound charge distribution at domain walls under electrical stimuli. The study provides insight into the dynamic, atomistic processes at domain walls in ferroelectric materials.

Feroelektrična domenska stena, analizirana z in-situ vrstično presevno elektronsko mikroskopijo pod električnim poljem.
Ferroelectric domain wall analyzed by in-situ voltage bias scanning transmission electron microscopy.

Mark Češnovar

Alkalijsko aktivirani materiali na osnovi jeklarskih žlinder

Alkali-activated steel slag-based materials

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Vilma Ducman, Srečo Davor Škapin

Mark Češnovar je v okviru doktorskega dela proučeval mehanizem tvorbe geopolimerov, ki nastajajo pri alkalijski aktivaciji. Alkalijska aktivacija je kemijski proces, pri katerem se amorfni aluminosilikati raztapljajo v alkalnem mediju, čemur sledi kondenzacija in utrjevanje materiala. Alkalijsko aktivirani materiali lahko zaradi svojih lastnostih deloma nadomestijo keramične materiale in proizvode na osnovi cementa. Predmet raziskav je bila alkalijska aktivacija jeklarske žlindre s poudarkom na proučevanju vpliva velikosti delcev žlindre, časa in temperature nege ter deformacije alkalijsko aktiviranih materialov na mehanske lastnosti s ciljem pridobiti stabilne in odporne alkalijsko aktivirane pene.

As part of his doctoral thesis, Mark Češnovar studied the formation mechanism of geopolymers that are formed during alkaline activation. Alkaline activation is a chemical process in which amorphous aluminosilicates are dissolved in an alkaline medium, followed by condensation and solidification of the material. Due to their properties, alkali-activated materials can partially replace ceramic materials and cement-based products. The research subject was the alkaline activation of steel slag, with a focus on studying the influence of slag particle size, curing regime, and temperature, as well as the deformation of alkali-activated materials, on the mechanical properties, with the aim of obtaining stable and resistant alkali-activated foams.

Fotografije lahkih agregatov v alkalijsko aktivirani penjeni matrici z (a) ekspandiranim polistirenom, (b) perlitom, (c) ekspandirano glino in (d) ekspandiranim steklom. Mikrostrukturni izgled kompozitov z (e) ekspandiranim polistirenom, (f) perlitom, (g) ekspandirano glino in (h) ekspandiranim steklom.
Photographs of lightweight aggregates – alkali activated foam composites containing (a) expanded polystyrene, (b) perlite, (c) expanded clay, and (d) expanded glass. Micrographs of cross sections of composites containing (e) expanded polystyrene, (f) perlite, (g) expanded clay, and (h) expanded glass.

Jelena Isailović

Razvoj občutljivega elektrokemijskega senzorja za detekcijo plinastega H2O2

Development of Sensitive Electrochemical Sensor for Detection of Gaseous H2O2

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Samo Hočevar

Občutljivi in selektivni senzorji za plinasti H2O2, ki delujejo pri sobni temperaturi, še vedno predstavljajo izziv. Doktorska disertacija dr. Jelene Isailović z naslovom Razvoj občutljivega elektrokemijskega senzorja za detekcijo plinastega H2O2, pod mentorstvom dr. Sama Hočevarja, obravnava več senzorskih arhitektur za zaznavanja plinastega analita. Med drugim je dr. Isailović pokazala sinergistični učinek (elektro)katalitskih lastnosti Ti3C2Tx MXena in stabilizacijskih lastnosti hitozana, skupaj z redoks aktivnostjo s ferocianidom modificirane tiskane ogljikove elektrode, za ultraobčutljivo detekcijo plinastega H2O2 v μg m−3 koncentracijskem območju. Vrhnja membrana na osnovi poliakrilne kisline je služila hkrati kot elektrolit in akumulacijski medij za H2O2.

Sensitive and selective sensors for gaseous H2O2 operating at room temperature still represent a remaining challenge. The doctoral dissertation of Dr. Jelena Isailović entitled Development of Sensitive Electrochemical Sensor for Detection of Gaseous H2O2, under the mentorship of Dr. Samo Hočevar, addresses several gas-sensing architectures. Among others, Dr. Isailović showed a synergistic effect of the (electro)catalytic properties of Ti3C2Tx MXene and the stabilizing character of chitosan, together with the redox activity of ferrocyanide-modified screen-printed carbon electrode, for ultrasensitive detection of gaseous H2O2 in μg m−3 concentration range. The upper polyacrylic acid-based membrane served simultaneously as an electrolyte and accumulation medium for H2O2.

Shema senzorske arhitekture in ciklovoltametrični odziv.
Scheme of sensor’s architecture and cyclic voltammetric response.

Tamara Jakovljević

Senzorsko vozlišče za zaznavanje razmerja med fiziološkimi parametri in barvnimi spremembami v ozadju besedila in barvnim prekrivanjem med branjem pri otrocih z disleksijo in brez nje

The sensor hub for detection of the relation between physiological parameters and colour modifications in text background and overlay during reading in children with and without Dyslexia

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Gregor Papa, Tadeja Jere Jakulin

Disertacija obravnava vpliv barv na proces branja ob upoštevanju razvojnih, stopenjskih in spolno specifičnih vidikov pri otrocih. Branje, ki je ključna spretnost pri zorenju, vključuje kognitivne in zaznavne sposobnosti ter vpliva na učne in izobraževalne rezultate. Študija raziskuje čustvene in motivacijske izzive, povezane z bralnimi težavami. Obravnava, kako barvna ozadja in prekrivanja vplivajo na branje, zlasti pri otrocih z disleksijo, ter uporablja fiziološke parametre za merjenje čustvenih odzivov. V treh eksperimentalnih študijah so pri različnih kombinacijah barv in besedila preučeni EEG, EKG, EDA in gibi oči. Rezultati kažejo razvojne razlike, vplive ki so odvisni od spola in korelacije z disleksijo. Potrjujejo učinkovitost ustreznih barvnih prekrivanj in ozadij pri izboljšanju bralnih spretnosti s čimer ponujajo praktične posledice za vzgojitelje in strokovnjake na področju razvoja in izobraževanje otrok.

The dissertation examines the influence of colors on the reading process, taking into account developmental, graded and gender-specific aspects in children. Reading, a pivotal skill in maturation, involves cognitive and perceptual abilities and influences learning and educational outcomes. The study explores emotional and motivational challenges associated with reading difficulties. It examines how colored backgrounds and overlays affect reading, particularly in dyslexic children, and uses physiological parameters to measure emotional responses. In three experimental studies, EEG, ECG, EDA and eye movements are examined with different color-text combinations. The results show developmental differences, gender-specific influences and correlations with dyslexia. They confirm the effectiveness of color overlays and backgrounds in improving reading skills and thus offer practical implications for educators and professionals in the field of child development and education.

Signali EEG (alfa, beta, delta, theta, širokopasovni) za otroke z disleksijo in otroke brez disleksije na vsakem preučevanem ozadju in barvi prekrivanja.
EEG signals (alpha, beta, delta, theta, broadband) for dyslexic and non-dyslexic children on each studied background and overlay color.

Andrea Jurov

Optična emisijska spektroskopija kot orodje za spremljanje procesov hladne plazme pri atmosferskem tlaku

Optical emission spectroscopy as a tool for monitoring cold atmospheric pressure plasma processes

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Uroš Cvelbar, Nataša Hojnik

Dr Andrea Jurov je s sistematičnim pristopom, ki vpeljuje uporabo optične emisijske spektroskopije (OES) pomembno vplivala na napredek pri razumevanju plazemskih procesov pri hladnem atmosferskem tlaku. V svoji doktorski disertaciji “Optična emisijska spektroskopija kot orodje za spremljanje procesov hladne plazme pri atmosferskem tlaku” je dokazala, da je OES učinkovita metoda za analizo lastnosti plazme v realnem času pri uporabi inertnih plinov, kot sta argon in helij. Ta tehnika zagotavlja ključne podatke o parametrih in pogojih plazme, kar omogoča in situ spremljanje fizikalnih in kemičnih procesov med sintezo ali nanosom nanomaterialov ali celo medicinski uporabi. Izpostavljena raziskava dr. Jurove se je osredotočila na sledenje spremembam na površinah, ki jih povzroča plazemski curek pri atmosferskem tlaku (APPJ) ter zagotavljanje varnih biološko-medicinskih obdelav. To dokazuje, da je OES vsestransko orodje za diagnostiko plazme. Njene raziskave na področju uporabe APPJ so tako prispevale k boljšem razumevanju plazemske priprave površin kot tudi njihove medicinske uporabe.

With a systematic approach using optical emission spectroscopy (OES), Dr. Andrea Jurov made a significant impact in advancing the understanding of cold atmospheric pressure plasma processes. In her doctoral dissertation, “Optical Emission Spectroscopy as a Tool for Monitoring Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Processes and Applications”, she demonstrated that OES is an effective method real-time analysis of plasma properties in inert gases like argon and helium. This technique provides crucial data on plasma parameters and conditions, enabling in situ monitoring of physical and chemical processes during synthesis or deposition or even medical treatments. Dr. Jurov’s research focused on tracking Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet (APPJ) – induced surface modifications and ensuring safe biological treatments, proving that OES is a versatile and essential tool for plasma diagnostics. Her work advanced the use of APPJs in fields such as nanofabrication and medical applications, showcasing the potential for future developments in these areas.

Slika eksperimentalne postavitve s plazemskim curkom na atmosferskem tlaku (a) in pripadajoči OES profili He in Ar plazme (b).
Photograph of the experiment and plasma jet (a), and the corresponding OES of He and Ar plasma (b).

Anja Korent

Elektrokemijsko sintetiziran polianilin za plinsko in tekočinsko zaznavanje amonijaka

Electrochemically synthesised polyaniline for gas and aqueous detection of ammonia

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Kristina Žužek

V svoji doktorski nalogi je Anja Korent temeljito raziskala prevodni polimer polianilin (PANI) osredotočena predvsem na njegove elektronske in električne lastnosti, ki so ključne za zaznavo amonijaka. Preučila je medsebojno povezanost elektrokemijskih, optičnih in elektronskih lastnosti PANI-ja med njegovo elektrokemijsko pripravo. Slednje je preučila z uporabo spektroelektrokemijske tehnike, ki je bila izvršena po in-situ pogoji. S tako pripravljenim PANI, je elektrokemijsko pretvorila komercialno sitotiskano elektrodo, v sistem primeren za izvedbo električnih meritev upornosti za zaznavanje amonijaka (meja zaznavanja 23 ppb). Poleg tega je Korentova ovrednotila PANI za zaznavanje nizkih koncentracij amonijaka v bioloških vzorcih. Pripravila je PANI v najbolj prevodni obliki, ki je uporabna tudi pri nevtralnih pH-jih. Njen nov mehanizem zaznave NH3, izboljšan z Au nanodelci, je bistveno znižal meje zaznavanja kar 17-krat, iz 24.64 μM NH3 na 1.44 μM.

In her doctoral thesis, Anja Korent thoroughly researched the conductive polymer polyaniline (PANI), focusing primarily on its electronic and electrical properties crucial for ammonia detection. She examined the interrelationship of PANI’s electrochemical, optical, and electronic properties during its electrochemical preparation. This was studied using spectroelectrochemical techniques under in-situ conditions. She transformed commercially screen-printed electrodes with electrochemically prepared PANI into a system suitable for electrical resistance measurements for ammonia detection, achieving a low detection limit of 23 ppb. Additionally she evaluated PANI for detecting low concentrations of ammonia in biological samples. She prepared PANI in its most conductive form, which is also effective at neutral pH levels. Her new NH3 detection mechanism, enhanced with Au nanoparticles, significantly lowered the detection limit 17-fold, from 24.64 μM NH3 to 1.44 μM.

Grafični prikaz izdlave receptorskega elementa za za zaznavo NH3, ter njegov amperometrični odziv.
A graphical representation of the NH3 receptor element manufacture and amperometric response.

Dževad Kozlica

Sinergijski učinek organskih zaviralcev korozije aluminija, bakra in zlitine aluminij-baker v kloridni raztopini

Synergistic action of organic inhibitors to mitigate corrosion of aluminium, copper, and aluminium-copper alloy in chloride solution

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Ingrid Milošev

V okviru disertacije je Dževad Kozlica prvi avtor pri šestih znanstvenih člankih, ki imajo skupno skoraj 190 citatov. Tema doktorata dr. Kozlice sodi v področje protikorozijske zaščite pomembnih tehnoloških materialov kot so baker, aluminij in zlitina aluminija in bakra s korozijskimi inhibitorji. Sinergija kemijskih spojin, ki delujejo kot korozijski inhibitorji, je pomembna tema, saj lahko s sinergijo dosežemo boljši učinek brez uvajanja novih kemijskih spojih. Disertacija je obravnavala organski spojini, 2-merkaptobenzimidazol (MBI) in oktilfosfonsko kislino (OPA) ter njihove binarne kombinacije kot inhibitorje korozije aluminija, bakra in aluminijeve zlitine AA2024-T3 v kloridni raztopini. Postavljen je mehanizem, ki opisuje sinergijsko delovanje, pri čemer so bile uporabljene tudi sodobne lokalne elektrokemijske metode. Največ citatov (156) je doslej pridobil članek, ki je naveden kot „Top cited paper“ („The most cited articles published since January 2021“) in „Most popular paper“ v reviji Corrosion Science (faktor vpliva 8,3).

As part of the dissertation, Dževad Kozlica is the first author of six scientific articles with almost 190 citations. The topic of the Ph.D. Kozlice belongs to the field of anti-corrosion protection of important technological materials such as copper, aluminium, and aluminium-copper alloy AA2024-T3 with corrosion inhibitors. The synergy of chemical compounds that act as corrosion inhibitors is an important topic because, with synergy, we can achieve a better effect without introducing new chemical compounds. The dissertation discussed organic compounds, 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBI) and octylphosphonic acid (OPA) and their binary combinations as corrosion inhibitors of aluminium, copper and alloy AA2024-T3 in chloride solution. A mechanism describing the synergistic action was established, while modern local electrochemical methods were also used. The article in Corrosion Science journal has received the most citations (156) so far, which is listed as “Top cited paper” (“The most cited articles published since January 2021”) and “Most popular paper” in the journal Corrosion Science (impact factor 8.3).

Slika prikazuje potenciodinamske polarizacijske krivulje, posnete za baker v 3 mas. % raztopini NaCl z in brez dodanih organskih spojin 2-merkaptobenzimidazola (S) in oktilfosfonske kisline (P) v koncentraciji 1 mM. Organski spojini sta bili dodani posamezno (100S in 100P) ali v kombinaciji (90S+10P). Slednja sinergijska kombinacija zagotavlja odlično protikorozijsko zaščito bakra v kloridnem mediju. Predstavljena je tudi skeletna kemijska zgradba organskih spojin.
The figure shows the potentiodynamic polarisation curves recorded for copper in 3 wt.% NaCl solution and with added organic compounds 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (S) and octylphosphonic acid (P) at the concentration of 1 mM. Organic compounds are added as indivudual (100 S and 100 P) or in combination (90S+10P). The latter synergistic combination ensures excellent corrosion protection of copper in chloride medium. Skeletal chemical structure of organic compounds are presented.

Maja Makarovič

Kemija defektov in utrjevanje feroelektrične bizmut-feritne keramike dopirane s kobaltom

Defect chemistry and hardening of ferroelectric cobalt-doped bismuth ferrite ceramics

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Tadej Rojac, Sverre Magnus Selbach

Doktorska študija kandidatke se je osredotočala na identifikacijo kompleksne povezave med strukturo na več velikostnih nivojih ter makroskopskim feroelektričnim, dielektričnim in piezoelektričnim odzivom nedopirane in s kobaltom dopirane keramike BiFeO3. V okviru študij smo tudi sodelovali s kolegi iz Švice in Japonske in sicer pri raziskavah lokalne strukture ter kemije feroelektričnih in feroelastičnih domenskih sten v BiFeO3 z mikroskopijo atomske ločljivosti. Na podlagi sistematičnih analiz smo uspeli identificirati kopičenje točkastih napak na domenskih stenah, vključno z bizmutovimi vrzelmi in oksidiranimi kationi Fe4+. Ugotovitev je pojasnila električno prevodnost p-tipa na domenskih stenah v BiFeO3 ter tako razkrila manjkajoči člen za razlago električnih lastnosti domenskih sten v feroelektrikih. Rezultate študije smo objavili v reviji Nature Materials.

The candidate’s PhD study consisted in the identification of the complex link between the multiscale structure and the macroscopic ferroelectric, dielectric and piezoelectric response of undoped and Co-doped BiFeO3 ceramics. As part of her studies, we collaborated with our colleagues from Switzerland and Japan in the frame of atomic-resolution microscopy studies on the local structure and chemistry of ferroelectric and ferroelastic domain walls in BiFeO3. Based on systematic analyses we were able to identify accumulation of charged defects, including bismuth vacancies and oxidized Fe4+ states, at domain walls. This finding explained the p-type hopping conduction at the domain walls in BiFeO3 and thus represented the missing piece for explaining the intriguing electrical properties of domain walls in ferroelectrics. The results of the study were published in Nature Materials.

Shematski prikaz točkastih napak na domenski steni keramike BiFeO3 (cian: Bi atomi, zeleno: kationi Fe3+, rdeče: kationi Fe4+). Desno: Eksperimentalna slika domenske stene z označenimi Bi vrzelmi (zmanjšana intenziteta Bi atomskih kolon) in kationi Fe4+ (rdeče pike).
Schematic illustration of the missing bismuth atoms, i.e., bismuth vacancies (missing cyan spheres) and Fe4+ states (red spheres) at a domain wall in BiFeO3 ceramics. Right: Experimental atomic-resolution image in dark-field mode with noted bismuth vacancies (bigger bright dots with reduced intensity) and Fe4+ (red dots) at the domain wall.

Olivera Maksimović

Razvoj in uporaba netarčnih in tarčnih orodij za zaznavanje virusov v okviru epidemiologije voda

Development and employment of untargeted and targeted tools for virus detection in the frame of water-based epidemiology

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Ion Gutierrez Aguirre, Denis Kutnjak

V dosežku z naslovom „Virusna analiza virov namakalne vode omogoča obsežen vpogled v raznolikost in porazdelitev rastlinskih virusov v agroekosistemih“ je Olivera analizirala virome različnih vrst namakalnih voda v bližini kmetij paradižnika. Olivera je doktorirala v okviru doktorske mreže Marie Curie – INEXTVIR, ki so jo koordinirali Maja Ravnikar, Ion Gutierrez Aguirre in Denis Kutnjak. V namakalni vodi je odkrila več novih virusov in rekonstruirala njihove genome. Študija je bila združena z drugo študijo, ki je vključevala analizo rastlin paradižnika in plevelov na kmetijah paradižnika. Analiza viromov vode je pokazala širšo sliko razširjenosti in raznolikosti nekaterih virusov. Delo je bilo objavljeno v vodilni reviji v kategoriji voda: (IF 12.8). Metodologija je bila uporabljena za spremljanje SARS-CoV-2 v odpadnih vodah, ki jo je leta 2021 razvil NIB.

In the achievement entitled “Virome analysis of irrigation water sources provides extensive insights into the diversity and distribution of plant viruses in agroecosystems” Olivera analyzed the virome of different type of irrigation waters in the vicinity of tomato farms. Olivera did her PhD in the frame of the Marie Curie Doctoral Network – INEXTVIR coordinated by Maja Ravnikar, Ion Gutierrez Aguirre and Denis Kutnjak. Several novel viruses were discovered in irrigation water and their genomes have been reconstructed. The study was combined with another study involving analysis of tomato and weed plants in the tomato farms. Water virome analysis showed wider picture of distribution and diversity for some viruses. The work was published in leading journal in the water category: Water research (IF 12.8). The methodology was used for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring in wastewater developed by the NIB in 2021.

Nekateri virusi so bili najdeni v vodi in rastlinah, v nekaterih primerih na istem mestu. Analiza vodnega viroma je pokazala širšo sliko porazdelitve in raznolikosti nekaterih virusov.
Some viruses were found in both, water and plants, in some cases at the same location. Water virome analysis showed wider picture of distribution and diversity for some viruses.

Uroš Prah

Kombinirani elektrokalorični in magnetokalorični pojavi v enofaznih multiferoikih

Combining electrocaloric and magnetocaloric effects in single-phase multiferroics

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Hana Uršič Nemevšek, Tadej Rojac

Uroš Prah je tekom doktorskega študija raziskoval nove enofazne multiferoične in multikalorične materiale. Inovativen pristop združitve dveh ali več kaloričnih učinkov v enem materialu bi lahko v prihodnje igral pomembno vlogo v iskanju okolju prijaznejših ter energijsko učinkovitejših novih tehnologij hlajenja. Z načrtno izbiro (multi)feroičnih materialov ter njihovim ciljnim dopiranjem je Uroš Prah uspel pripraviti material, ki izkazuje soobstoj do sedaj največjih elektrokaloričnih in magnetokaloričnih odzivov.

Uroš Prah developed new single-phase multiferroic and multicaloric materials during his doctoral studies. The innovative approach of combining two or more caloric effects in one material could play an important role in the search for more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient cooling technologies in the future. Through the targeted selection of (multi)ferroic materials and doping, Uroš Prah succeeded in preparing a material that exhibits the highest electrocaloric and magnetocaloric responses to date.

Shematski prikaz priprave in lastnosti multikalorične keramike.
Schematic representation of the preparation and properties of multicaloric ceramics.

Mark Paul Selda Rivarez

Raznolikost virusov paradižnika in plevelnih rastlin v kmetijskih ekosistemih

Diversity of viruses infecting tomato and weed plants in agroecosystems

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Denis Kutnjak, Maja Ravnikar

V dosežku z naslovom „ Poglobljena študija viromov paradižnika in plevelov razkriva neodkrito raznolikost rastlinskih virusov v agroekosistemu“ je Paul analiziral virome rastlin paradižnika in plevelov v slovenskih nasadih paradižnika. Paul je doktoriral v okviru doktorske mreže Marie Curie – INEXTVIR, ki so jo koordinirali Maja Ravnikar, Ion Gutierrez Aguirre in Denis Kutnjak. Z viromsko študijo paradižnika in plevela, ki temelji na HTS, je bilo mogoče odkriti 79 novih vrst virusov (65 izključno v plevelnih rastlinah) in 46 že znanih vrst virusov. 10 virusov je bilo odkritih tako v poljščinah kot v plevelnih rastlinah. Študija je razkrila premalo raziskano raznolikost novih virusov v agroekosistemu, zlasti v plevelnih rastlinah. Ugotovitve študije so bile združene z vzporedno analizo, opravljeno na viromih namakalnih voda, ki se nahajajo v bližini analiziranih kmetij. Delo o paradižniku in plevelih je bilo objavljeno v vodilni reviji: Microbiome (IF 15.5).

In the achievement entitled »In-depth study of tomato and weed viromes reveals undiscovered plant virus diversity in an agroecosystem« Paul analyzed the virome of tomato crop plants and surrounding weeds in Slovenian tomato fams. Paul both did his PhD in the frame of the Marie Curie Doctoral Network – INEXTVIR coordinated by Maja Ravnikar, Ion Gutierrez Aguirre and Denis Kutnjak. HTS-based viromics of tomatoes and weeds enabled to detect 79 new virus species (65 exclusively in weed plants) and 46 already known virus species. 10 viruses were found in both crop and weed plants.The study revealed understudied diversity of novel viruses in an agroecosystem, especially in weeds. The study finding were combined with a paralel analysis done on the viromes of irrigation waters located in the vicinity of analyzed farms. The tomato&weed work was published in the leading journal: Microbiome (IF 15.5).

10 virusov, najdenih v različnih vrstah vzorcev (plevel/paradižnik).
10 viruses found in different samples types (weeds/tomatoes).

Matej Šadl

Debele plasti svinčevega magnezijevega niobata titanata pripravljene z metodo nanašanja v aerosolu

Lead magnesium niobate titanate thick films prepared by aerosol deposition method

Mentor in somentor / Supervisor and Co-Supervisor: Hana Uršič Nemevšek

Matej Šadl je raziskoval pripravo debelih plasti elektronske keramike z metodo nanosa v aerosolu, ki omogoča zgoščevanje keramike pri sobni temperaturi. Na polimerne in jeklene podlage je nanesel plasti Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3 (PMN–PT) ter tako pripravil več-funkcijske debeloplastne strukture z elektrokaloričnimi in piezoelektričnimi lastnostmi ter z zmožnostjo shranjevanja energije.

Matej Šadl investigated the preparation of thick ceramic films using the aerosol deposition method, which enables the densification of ceramic layers at room temperature. Matej prepared Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–PbTiO3 (PMN–PT) thick films on polymer and stainless steel substrates and in this way he prepared multifunctional thick-film structures with energy storage, electrocaloric, and piezoelectric properties.

(a) Matej Šadl v laboratoriju ULTRACOOL, (b) nagrada na konferenci ISAF-ISIF-PMF 2021 in (c) rezultati 0,9Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0,1PbTiO3 (PMN–10PT) debelih plasti na jeklenih podlagah z odličnimi lastnostmi shranjevanja električne energije.
(a) Matej Šadl in the ULTRACOOL laboratory, (b) award at the ISAF-ISIF-PMF 2021 conference, and (c) results of 0.9Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.1PbTiO3 (PMN–10PT) thick films on stainless steel substrates with excellent energy-storage properties.