20 let napredka v znanju in inovacijah
Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana (MPŠ) obeležuje 20 let uspešnega delovanja, odkar jo je leta 2004 ustanovil Institut »Jožef Stefan« v sodelovanju s priznanimi gospodarskimi partnerji, kot so Gorenje, Kolektor, Salonit (Alpacem) in Slovensko zavarovalno združenje.
20 years of advancing knowledge and innovation
The Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School (IPS) celebrates 20 years of successful operation since its establishment in 2004 by the Jožef Stefan Institute in collaboration with renowned economic partners such as Gorenje, Kolektor, Salonit (Alpacem), and the Slovenian Insurance Association.

“Neposredno povezovanje raziskovanja in podiplomskega izobraževanja za ustvarjanje znanja in spodbujanje inovativnosti.”
“Direct integration of research and postgraduate studies to create knowledge and promote innovativeness.”
Šola ponuja magistrske in doktorske študijske programe na področjih ekotehnologij, informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij, nanoznanosti in nanotehnologij ter senzorskih tehnologij (samo za doktorski študij). Več informacij: VPIS
MPŠ omogoča študentom dostop do naprednih raziskovalnih infrastruktur na institutih, kot so Institut »Jožef Stefan« (IJS), Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije (IMT) ter Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo (NIB), ter v centrih odličnosti.
Program ponuja raznolik učni načrt, prilagojen posameznikovim potrebam, pri čemer posebno pozornost namenja razvoju mehkih veščin, ki prispevajo k dvigu kompetenc in kariernemu razvoju študentov. Interdisciplinarno raziskovanje je usmerjeno v reševanje ključnih družbenih in ekonomskih izzivov, s posebnim poudarkom na spodbujanju zelene preobrazbe in trajnostnega razvoja, kar je velikega pomena v današnjem svetu. Študenti in raziskovalci sodelujejo v mednarodnih in nacionalnih raziskovalnih projektih, izmenjavah ERASMUS ter partnerstvih z več kot 45 institucijami po vsem svetu, kar krepi mednarodno mobilnost in širjenje znanja. Poleg tega MPŠ tesno sodeluje z industrijo pri razvoju rešitev, prenosu tehnologije in spodbujanju inovacij.
The school offers master’s and doctoral programmes in the fields of Ecotechnologies, Information and Communication Technologies, Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, and Sensor Technologies (doctoral studies only). More information: ENROLMENT
IPS enables students to access advanced research infrastructures at institutes, such as the »Jožef Stefan« Institute (JSI), the Institute of Metals and Technology (IMT), and the National Institute of Biology (NIB), as well as at Centres of Excellence.
The programme offers a diverse curriculum tailored to individual needs, with special emphasis on developing soft skills that contribute to enhancing students’ competencies and career development. Interdisciplinary research is focused on addressing key social and economic challenges, with a particular emphasis on promoting green transition and sustainable development, acknowledging their increasing significance in today’s landscape. Students and researchers participate in international and national research projects, ERASMUS exchanges, and partnerships with over 45 institutions worldwide, enhancing international mobility and knowledge dissemination. Additionally, IPS closely collaborates with the industry in developing solutions, technology transfer, and fostering innovation.

Dosežki Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana
V preteklih 20 letih delovanje naše šole, se je nabralo zavidljivo število dosežkov, uspehov in rezultatov. Zbrali smo jih v preglednih grafih in tabelah. Vabimo vas, da si jih ogledate tukaj.
Achievements of the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School
In the past 20 years of operation of our school, an enviable number of achievements, successes and results have accumulated. We have collected them in overview graphs and tables. We invite you to view them here.
Dosežke prvih deset let delovanja šole smo zbrali v zborniku, ki si ga lahko ogledate tukaj, drugo desetletje obstoja šole pa je zaznamovala vrsta novih dosežkov in podvigov. Vabimo vas, da si jih ogledate po področjih delovanja.
Informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije
Nanoznanosti in nanotehnologije
We collected the achievements of the first ten years of the school’s operation in a collection, which you can view here, while the second decade of the school’s existence was marked by a series of new achievements and ventures. We invite you to view them by area of operation.
Information and communication technologies

Fotografska razstava na Gallusovem nabrežju
Na Gallusovem nabrežju v Ljubljani je na ogled pregledna fotografska razstava ob 20-letnici MPŠ. Avtorja fotografij sta Arne Hodalič in Katja Bidovec. Razstava bo odprta do 29. julija, lahko pa si jo ogledate tukaj.
Photo exhibition at Gallus embankment
A photo exhibition celebrating the 20th anniversary of IPS is on display at Gallus embankment in Ljubljana. The authors of the photos are Arne Hodalič and Katja Bidovec. The exhibition will be open until July 29, and we invite you to view it here.